Monday to Saturday 8AM-9PM

Kızıltoprak, Kadıköy, İstanbul

What is Septoplasty?

Our nose is divided into two different air channels by the Nasal Septum, which consists of a cartilage and bone skeleton,
the right and left airway channels.

If there are no serious differences in airflow velocity and resistance between the two airways, healthy nasal breathing occurs.
In the case of curvatures in the septum of this, which can narrow the air channels, and excess cartilage and bone,
it is called septum deviation. The surgical correction of the septum deviation deformity is called Septoplasty.

It is often performed under general anesthesia. Recovery time averages 7 days.


Does septoplasty change the space of the nose?

When septoplasty is performed properly, no change in nose shape is expected.